All our instructors and assistant instructors have passed the relavant TAGB courses and examinations to be able to teach the syllabus competantly. They are all fully DBS checked and have obtained the necessary first aid qualifications.

HAYLEY THORNE - Lead Instructor
4th Dan
I began my training in the south-west region in 2007, having adopted Tae Kwon-Do to improve my fitness. I regularly competed at regional, national and international competitions, winning various medals of different colours. After moving to London and joining Wapping Tae Kwon-Do, I went on to gain my black belt in 2011, second Dan in 2013 and third Dan in 2016 under the guidance of Ms. Campbell. As a black belt, I have continued entering competitions and refereed at regional, national and international competitions, winning medals in a range of national championships. As a member of Wapping Taekwondo club I have been given the opportunity to acquire additional skills — qualifying as both an umpire and instructor in 2012 and referee in 2014. Alhough only one aspect of Tae Kwon-Do many students choose to enter competitions and it brings me great pleasure watching them enjoy the day, and consistently bringing medals back to the club.
I began assisting teaching Tae Kwon-Do at Wapping when I was still a coloured belt and loved it. Once gaining my black belt and taking on a more formal role as an instructor I taught and assisted teaching students of all ages and grades. In September 2014, along with Malene Sheppard Skærved I opened a class catering for younger children. In 2016 I took over running Wapping Tae Kwon-Do. I am incredibly proud of everything our students achieve, and to run a club which is the source of so much happiness to me.
For me, training in Tae Kwon-Do is about achieving personal goals and overcoming obstacles. I enjoy teaching Tae Kwon-Do as it allows me to explore the art from another perspective as well as testing my own skills and helping others to make achievements with their training. I enjoy helping people reach their goals and welcoming new members to the club. People choose to come to Wapping Tae Kwon-Do Club for many different reasons and with a range of different goals. Helping people enjoy their training whether that’s to improve their fitness, learn self-defence, meet new friends, or train as a family – is what makes me motivated to instruct and develop my own skills.

3rd Dan
I joined Wapping Tae Kwon-Do Club in August 2006 with my son Marius, who was eight years old at the time. We trained together twice a week, went to competitions and gained our Black Belts in 2010 together under the guidance of Ms. Helen Campbell. As we were both learning at the same level, we came to share the club and our achievements as equals, not as parent and child. Tae Kwon-Do has added an amazing dimension to our relationship as mother and son.
In 2013, I graduated as TAGB instructor and in 2014, Ms Thorne and I started Wapping Children’s club for 4-6 year olds. To experience the children learn as individuals and a group has been a true inspiration. Several have graduated to Wapping Taekwondo begun their gradings for belts.
I love teaching Tae Kwon-Do both to adults, children, beginnings and advantage students as much as I love the practise; it is always challenging and fun.
Malene gained her black belt first degree in April 2010, her second degree in 2012 and third degree in 2016. She competes and referees at national competitions.

KATHARINA SOMMER - Assistant Instructor
3rd Dan
I started Tae Kwon-Do after moving to the UK in September 2008 to do my Master’s. I wanted to find a new sport that I could get passionate, excited and enthusiastic about. Tae Kwon-Do has become just that.
From taking my first steps, kicks and punches at Brunel University, I moved to the Wapping Club in early 2010. I achieved my 1st Dan in October 2013, my 2nd Dan in October 2015; and gained my Umpires and Assistant Instructor qualifications. I compete and officiate regularly at regional and national competitions.
Tae Kwon-Do is more than just a sport for me. I enjoy the physical aspects of it – the fitness, the core strength, the pure delight of being able to kick a pad at head height – it is much more. It’s been a way of balancing an often stressful job, of meeting new friends that are equally passionate about Tae Kwon-Do, and of developing confidence and perseverance that accompany me through all other walks of life.